Thursday, September 30, 2004

Spinal Tap

David St. Hubbins : It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever. -This is Spinal Tap

I think in law school there is a fine line between zealous and apathetic. If you fall too far on one side you might end up as an ambulance chaser for the rest of your life. If you fall too far on the other side you might end up riding in an ambulance with the nice men in their white uniforms to your new home: a nice padded room with a comfortably padded bed. Or worse yet, riding with the not quite-as-nice, but just as professional men in the blue suits who have come to take you to your new home in a not quite so nice room with bars and an uncomfortable bed. This is a possibility because people who fall on the zealous side of law students are subject to breaking at the slightest provocation.


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